Assam History Questions-Answers For Various Competitive Exams of Assam. Part-1(50 Questions with Answers)

Assam History Question-Answers For Various Competitive Exams

Assam History Questions-Answers For Various Competitive Exams in Assam. 

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1.The history of Assam can be divided into-----eras.

2.Who among the following is the earliest known king of Assam?

3.In the 4th Century which dynasty marked the beginging of Ancient Assam?

4.Name the two medieval text compiled in the Assam region?

5.Who was the founder of Varman Dynasty?

6.The capital of Varman Dynasty of Kamrup kingdom was-

7.Which of the following was famous for astrology?

8.Who among the following is regarded as the greatest of all Varman kings?

9.Bhaskar Varman attended the great religios council at:

10.During Bhaskar Varman's reign the major industry in Kamrup was-

11.Who was the first king from Assam to perform 'Aswamedha Yagna'?

12.The historical account of ancient Assam begins with the establishment of which dynasty?

13.The Ancient era of Assam history began in 4th Century after mention of 'Kamrupa' in

14.After the fall of Varman Dynasty, which of the following dynasty began their rule?

15.Who established the Mlechchha Dynasty in Kamrupa Kingdom, Assam?

16.When did medieval era began in Assam?

17.Who was the first king of Ahom Dynasty? Or. Who Estabalished the Ahom Dynasty/Kingdom?

18.The Ahom originally came from-

19.Sukaphaa is said to have marched through which pass of Patkai ranges of hills?

20.When did Sukaphaa, the first king of Ahom, entered Assam?

21. The Ahom established their last capital at-

22. Which of following introduced the Buranji written in Assam?

23.In which year did Sukaphaa die?

24.Who is founder of Pala Dynasty in Assam?

25.In 1185, who established the Khen Dynasty and the Kamata kingdom?

26.Who defeated the Khel ruler Nilambar in 1498?

27.Who was the first king of Koch Dynasty?

28.Who introduced a silver coin named 'Narayani' during his reign?

29.When Srimanta Sankardev fled the Ahom kingdom he was shelterd by-

30.Srimanta Sankardeva was able to establish 'Ek Saran Naam Dharma' during which king's reign?

31.Koch Dynasty got divided into two parts. East part of the kingdom was known as Koch Hajo. What was the name of the Western part?

32.Who was the first ruler of Koch Hajo division of Koch Dynasty?

33.Who was the first ruler of Koch Bihar of Koch Dynasty?

34.What was the real name of Chilarai?

35.Who is the founder of Sutiya Kingdom?

36.The Ahom Dynasty ruled the Ahom Kingdom for approximately how many years?

37.What was Moamoria rebellion?

38.The Chinese pilgrim Hiuen Tsang visited Kamrup in the year-

39.Which Ahom king was popularly known as "Bamuni Konwar" or "The Brahman Prince"?

40.Why was Sudangphaa was called as "Bamuni Raja"?

41.Medieval period poet Rama Saraswati was a court poet of which of the following king?

42.Who wrote Prahlada-Charita?

43.Who was the composer of the Hasti vidyarnava?

44.By what popular name is Syed Shah Milan known in Assam?

45.Which Sutiya king built Sadiya?

46.How the name Guwahati has been derived?

47.The Posa system referred to-

48. Who introduced the Posa system?

49.Which of the following Ahom king signed the teraty of Majuli?

50. The treaty of Majuli was signed between:

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