The Enemy (Vistas) Class 12 English Complete Notes Based on AHSEC syllabus (


The Enemy

Pearl s. Buck                   


The Enemy  (Vistas) Class 12 English Complete Notes Based on AHSEC syllabus (
The Enemy

Read and Find out

1.    Who was Dr Sadao? Where was his house?

Ans: Dr. Sadao Hoki was an eminent Japanese surgeon and scientist. He had spent his eight valuable years of his youth in America to learn all that could be learned of surgery and medicine. He was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean. By the time he established himself as a famous surgeon and scientist.

          Dr Sadao’s house was built on rocks well above a narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines. The house was built on a spot of the Japanese coast.

2.    Will Dr Sadao be arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy?

Ans: Dr. Sadao Hoki knew that they would be arrested if they sheltered a Whiteman in their house. The wounded man was a prisoner of war who had escaped with a bullet on his back. Since Japan was at war with America in the World War II, harbouring an enemy meant being traitor to Japan. Dr. Sadao could be arrested if anyone complained against him and accused him of harbouring an enemy.

3.    Will Hana help the wounded man and wash him herself?

Ans: The injured American was in very poor shape and had to be cleaned before being operated on. Hana didn’t want Dr Sadao to clean up the filthy and unconscious prisoner. So, she asked the servant, Yumi to clean up. But the servant refused to wash the wounded man. Hana rebuked the maid who had refused to wash a wounded helpless man. Then Hana dipped a small clean towel into the steaming hot water and washed the man’s face. She kept on washing him until his upper body was quite cleaned.

4.    What will Dr Sadao and his wife do with the man?

Ans: Dr Sadao and his wife, Hana told the servant that they only wanted to bring the man to his senses so that they could turn him over as a prisoner. They knew that the best possible course under the circumstances was to put him back into the sea. However, Dr Sadao was against handing over a wounded man to the police. He decided to carry him into his house. He operated on him and extracted the bullet from his body. He kept the Whiteman in his house. Dr Sadao and his wife looked after him and fed him till he was strong enough to walk on his legs.

5.    What will Dr Sadao do to get rid of the man?

Ans: When the wounded American’s health improving slowly, Dr Sadao and his wife were in a bind as to what could be done with him. Their legal servants had left them and could pose a threat to their life if they kept him in their house. As the impatience and frustration of Hana rose, Dr Sadao revealed the matter to the General who decided to send assassins in his sleep to kill the young American. Dr Sadao decided to getting rid of the escaped prisoner of war. The matter could not be resolved, however because the assassin had never arrived.

          So, Dr Sadao plotted another way to get rid of him, overcome with remorse, and a distant appreciation to the people he had been associated with America. Another time he decided to save his patient. He secretly sent him to an isolated island with food, bottled water, clothing, blanket and his own flashlight on a boat from where he sailed for freedom and protected on a Korean ship.


Reading with Insight


1.     Dr Sadao was compelled by his duty as a doctor to help the enemy soldier. What made Hana, his wife, sympathetic to him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff?

Ans: Dr Sadao was a dutiful and a humanitarian doctor. He was much compelled by his duty to help the enemy soldier. He didn’t pay and heed to the fact whether the patient was an enemy or a friend. On the other hand, Dr Sadao’s wife was a very kind hearted and considerate type of lady. She was obedient, faithful, loyal and well-wisher of her husband as well. On seeing the wounded soldier in the most precarious and pitiable condition, she developed a natural sympathy for the dying and wounded enemy soldier. She couldn’t easily provoke and had to face the open defiance of her domestic staff. She played a significant role and contributed towards her duties as wife and the mistress of the house.

Additional But Important

1)    Who was Hana? Where did Dr Sadao meet her?


Who was Sadao’s wife? Where had he met her? Why did he wait to fall in love with her?

Ans: Hana was Dr Sadao’s wife. Dr Sadao had met her by chance at an American professor’s house. Professor Harley and his wife had been kind people. They held a party at their home for their few foreign students. Hana was a new student. Dr Sadao waited to fall in love with Hana until he was sure that she was Japanese and pure in her race. It was because his father would never had received her unless she had been pure in her race.

2)    What was the chief concern of Dr Sadao’s father?

Ans: The influence of Sadao’s father was quite dominating on Sadao. His father never joked or played with him. Sadao’s education was his chief concern. For this reason he had been sent at twenty-two to America to learn all that could be learned of surgery and medicine. By the time Dr Sadao established himself as become famous surgeon and scientist. He was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean.

3)    What did Hana and Dr Sadao see coming out of the mist?

Ans: Hana and Dr Sadao Hoki were standing outside their house. Suddenly they saw something black come out of the mist. It turned out to be a man, as it flung up out of the ocean. He staggered a few steps and crawling. Then he fell on his face and lay there. Sadao thought him up some fisherman having been washed from his boat.

4)    Why did the messenger come to Dr Sadao? What did Hana think about it?

Ans: The General was very ill. He was in pain and required medical treatment immediately. He had faith only in Dr Sadao’s medical capabilities. With his order, the messenger came to Dr Sadao’s house to inform about the illness of the General.

            Hana thought that the messenger came to arrest Dr Sadao for giving shelter to an American enemy soldier and treatment to the prisoner of war.

5)    Why Dr Sadao never sent with the troops?


Why Dr Sadao not sent to the battle field?


Why was Dr Sadao being kept in Japan and not sent abroad with the troops?

Ans: Dr. Sadao Hoki was an eminent Japanese surgeon and scientist. He was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean. Secondly, the old General of Japan had full faith in Sadao’s abilities as a surgeon. He didn’t believe any other doctor. The old General was being treated medically for a condition for which he might need an operation. Due to these two reasons Dr Sadao was being kept in Japan and not sent abroad with the troops.

6)    Why did Yumi defy the orders of Hana?


How did Yumi react when Hana asked her to wash the soldier?

Ans: Hana asked the maid Yumi to wash the wounded dirty man with warm water. Finding a whiteman she became stubborn as she had never washed a whiteman. So, she was determined not to wash him. Hana cried at her out her sternly but Yumi had a fierce look of resistance on her round face. Then Hana decided to do it herself and asked her to return back.

7)    How did Sadao and Hana come to know that the man was an American prisoner of war and an enemy?

Ans: Sadao and his wife, Hana came nearer to the wounded man and found some stain of blood on sand. Then they saw that the man was wounded. Sadao turned the man’s head and saw his face. It was a white man. They read the faint writing on the cap: “U.S. Navy”. Then finally they came to know that the man was an American prisoner of war and an enemy as that time Japan was at war with America in the World War II.

8)    What was the initial reaction of Dr Sadao and Hana on seeing the wounded man?


What did Dr Sadao and his wife think of doing with the wounded soldier at first?

Ans: Dr Sadao and his wife found that the wounded white man was a prisoner of war, they were shocked. They thought if they would shelter a whiteman in their house, they would be arrested and if they would hand him over to the police, he would die. So, they thought that it would be the kindness thing to throw him back in the sea. But the blood of kindness and humanity was flowing in their vein. So, they brought him to their house. The feeling of humanity and generosity was overtaken by the feeling of nationality.

9)    How did Hana help Dr Sadao while he operated upon the enemy soldier?

Ans: Hana was very much helpful while the operation was on. She dipped a small clean towel into the steaming hot water and washed the man’s face. She was requested to give the anaesthetic if needed. With the help of instruments from his emergency bag, Sadao made a clean and precise incision. The bullet was out and the doctor declared that the man would live.

 10) How did the General react when Dr Sadao informed him about the prisoner of war? Did he lack national loyalty was it a case dereliction of duty.

Ans: Dr Sadao informed the General about the presence of the American prisoner of war at his house. The General decided that his private assassins would take care of him and even take his body away. Sadao agreed to the proposal. However, the General’s assassins didn’t arrive for the next three days. Consequently, the General’s plan wasn’t executed. Dr Sadao spent three restless nights in waiting for the assassins, ultimately, he helped the prisoner to escape.

          When Dr Sadao informed the General about the escape of the prisoner, the General replied that he was sick and thus forgot about the whole affair. He further wanted Sadao must not inform anybody about this.

          The old General didn’t take the matter of prisoner seriously. Being an experienced General, he should have acted promptly in this matter. The American soldier should have been arrested at once as America was at war with Japan. Certainly it was also a case of dereliction of duty on General’s part.

11) What made Dr Sadao sure that the wounded soldier had escaped safely in darkness?

Ans: Dr Sadao had made elaborate arrangements for the safe escape of the wounded soldier, Tom. He was made to row to a nearby island. All necessary things were provided to him. He was to signal two flashes if he ran shortage of food. When  no signal came, Dr Sadao was convinced that Tom had escaped safely.

12) Write a character-sketch of Dr Sadao Hoki as depicted in “The Enemy”.

Ans: “The Enemy” by Pearl S. Buck, it is the story of a kind, considerate and Japanese doctor, Dr Sadao who loved his profession more than anything else. He is perfect role model for all the doctors of the world who really upholds the values of his profession. His traditional father had taken a great care of his upbringing and instilled in his mind that he had to be a great doctor and surgeon. He sent his son to America at the age of twenty-two to learn all that could be learned of surgery and medicine. He stayed there for eight valuable years of his youth and observed strict self-discipline. He met Hana, another Japanese beautiful girl there and fell in love with her. However, he waited until his father’s approval and married her only after the approval. By the time he established himself as an eminent surgeon and scientist.

          The best traits of his personality came to light when risking his own life and the entire family he dares to save an American enemy soldier. Japan was at war with America in the World War II. During this one American POW, Tom is washed ashore near his house. Sadao saved him. He faced opposition from his domestic servants but he knew his responsibility as a doctor.

          Not only he was a good human being, he was perfect and skilled doctor also. He was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean. General Takima had a great faith in him that is why he offers to help him come out of the trouble of the enemy soldier. 

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